Privacy Icons

Type of Personal Data


We process general data concerning you, e.g. your name and contact details


We do not process your health data


We do not process your financial data


We do not process your biometric data


We do not process data concerning your privacy


We do not process location data

Source of Personal Data


We process personal data that you have provided to us


We process personal data that we collect about you


We do not process personal data about you, received from third parties

Purpose of Treatment


We use your personal data to improve our products and services


We use your personal data to ensure system security and stability


We use your personal data to process your requests


We do not use your personal data for other purposes, not related to the main service


We do not use your personal data for marketing purposes

Special treatments


We do not make decisions completely automatically


We do not analyze your behavior in order to hypothesize your interests or preferences

Transmission to third parties


We do not transmit your personal data to third-party companies that can decide for themselves how to use them


We do not sell your personal data

Place of processing


We only process your personal data in Switzerland and the EU


We only process your personal data in Switzerland and the EU


We do not process your personal data outside Switzerland and the EU

Cookie policy

1. Cookie Policy – Extended information

Cookies help in many ways to make your visit to our website easier, more enjoyable and more meaningful. Cookies are information files that your web browser automatically saves on your computer’s hard drive when you visit our website. For more information about cookies and their general functions, visit an informative website such as

1.1. Technical cookies
Technical cookies are those: – Necessary for the operation of the service, such as session cookies, strictly limited to what is necessary for the safe and efficient navigation of sites. The storage of session cookies in terminals or browsers is under the control of the user, where on servers, at the end of http sessions, information about cookies remain recorded in the service logs. These cookies do not collect user information or track the profile of visitors to the site.

1.2. Technical cookies used for statistics
For statistical purposes on the use of services (the number of visits, the countries from which the visits take place, the search words used to reach our website, the most clicked pages on our website, etc.) and to check the proper functioning of the services offered, navigation data are collected and analyzed. These cookies are collected anonymized and analyzed exclusively in aggregate form, the IP address remains masked, as anonymized and are not combined such data. All technical cookies do not require consent, so they are installed automatically after access to the site.

1.3.  Profiling and advertising cookies
There are no categories of profiling cookies or advertising cookies, nor are other ways of tracking used.

1.4. How to disable them
Most internet browsers automatically accept cookies. However, you can configure your browser so that cookies are not saved on your computer or that a message is displayed each time you receive a new cookie. In the following pages you will find explanations on how to configure the processing of cookies with the most common browsers:
• Microsoft’s Windows Internet Explorer
• Microsofts Windows Internet Explorer Mobile
• Mozilla Firefox
• Google Chrome for desktop
• Google Chrome for Mobile
• Apple Safari for desktop
• Apple Safari for mobile phones

Disabling cookies may make it impossible to use all the functions of our websites. For more information:

1.5. Legal basis, purpose, retention time
The legal basis for the processing of personal data for the above purposes lies in our legitimate interest, pursuant to art. 13 para. 1 LPD respectively of art. 6 cpv. 1 lett. f GDPR, to ensure the functionality and optimization of our web pages. The aims are: improvement of the site and realization of the best browsing experience for the user and for safe and efficient navigation. The technical cookies used for statistics are stored no later than 6 months, the technical cookies that can recognize the user and remember settings such as the language selected, are session cookies, so are deleted every time you finish the session of a site.

2. Communication of personal data

2.1. Recipients
We treat personal data confidentially and only transmit them if you have given your explicit consent, if we are obliged by law or if this is necessary to enforce our rights, in particular to enforce the rights arising from the contractual relationship. In the case of any involvement of third parties in the execution of contracts (e.g. service providers, IT providers) these personal data will be transmitted only to the extent necessary for the operation of the corresponding service. In case of outsourcing of some parts of the data processing (“contractual processing”), we contractually oblige the person in charge of the processing of this personal data, to use the personal data only in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and the Federal Data Protection Act in order to ensure the protection of the rights of the data subject.

2.2. Transfer
We transmit personal data to third parties to the extent that this is necessary for the use of the website or for the possible provision of the services requested. The use of data transmitted for this purpose by third parties is strictly limited to the purposes indicated. Personal data are communicated to the following categories of recipients: – Website design and development service provider. A transfer of data to places or persons outside the EU or Switzerland does not take place and is not planned.

3. Your rights

If you want to know if they are processing your data: Access (art.15).
You can obtain without undue delay, from the owner, confirmation that there is or there is not a processing of data that concerns you and a copy of theseIf you want to change them because they are wrong: Rectification (Art. 16). You can obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you, without unjustified reason.

If you want them deleted: To oblivion (art. 17). You can ask the owner to delete your personal data if they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or are processed, or if you want to revoke their consent, if you object to the processing or if your data has been unlawfully processed.

If you wish to limit the processing of your data: Limitation of processing (art.18). You have the right to request that your data can be used, to the extent necessary for the purpose of storage. This is a kind of temporary suspension of treatment, which can become permanent. You can ask both in case of violation of the conditions of lawfulness, if you are waiting for data rectification or in case of opposition to processing.

If you want to transfer data to another holder: Data portability (art.20). You have the right to receive your personal data in a readable and commonly used format and to have it transmitted to another data controller. The data will not be deleted, but stored in the system.

If you want to stop a processing of data that concerns you: Right to object (art.21). You have the right to object at any time to the processing of data concerning you. You can object to profiling activities, direct marketing or automated decision-making processes or in general to any other type of processing.

Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Art. 77).

General questions or complaints

For further information:
An application to Swissscweb AG shall be made by contacting the Data Protection Officer at Swissscweb AG by the email address:
The competent supervisory authority for Switzerland is IFPDT (Federal Data Protection and Transparency Officer). The Italian competent supervisory authority is the Garante Privacy.